Wednesday, October 31, 2012

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Supporting the new currency credibility. Said earlier, federal coins spontaneous composition of the so-called in 1869 has not been taken over by the federal government, civil behavior.
London Chinese legation. Underground meeting room.
Yanglin trip to Europe has two meanings, one look at from the diplomatic What are the benefits of fishing from set to expand in the Franco-Prussian war, in this regard, the federal government is the tendency of Prussia second and more practical significance Navy Secretary in charge of the Ministry of War according to Shen Pao-chen request to be re-approved in the United Kingdom and Prussia ordered warships.
Shen Baozhen this Hyobu Shilang is not white when. And Zhang Zhidong election and resign, he will be nominated by Yung Wing for the handprint of Bingbushangshu.
Shen Pao-chen After returning first as principal of Hyobu assistant minister and Navy Secretary, he proceed immediately contact the domestic large shipyard, the establishment of a naval ship construction Committee. President of this committee are elected by each shipyard, rotation, its purpose is the research and purchase of ships, Contact construction, provide a reference for future procurement for the Navy, and promote Ship localization process. Committee a technical nature of the forum, but also to carve up naval ship procurement market The meaning of monopoly.
This committee with the navy chief of staff who had consulted many times that the various types of power facilities, with the actual evolution of weapons, in order to verify the best construction solutions should be through the procurement of warships of the Anglo-German. The Navy constructed Committee Shen Pao-chen inspired organizations a start throw a big luck,north face jackets for women, and make recommendations to Congress, said to be done in the decade of the localization of the battleship, to export warships after three decades, commercial competition with the powers.
With great tone!
Shen Pao-chen is not large even believe the rhetoric of the Committee, but members of Congress have listened very popular.
More than mention a few.
In fact, in the the Manchu Dynasty Westernization movement has blossomed developed, plus had the foundation of China's thick, early in 1869, the federal China's steel output reached a record eight million tons, ranked Britain and France after the S & P Russia especially in the United States before. pig iron annual production of two million tons, more than other powers outside of the UK this figure, the Congress has reason to believe that the idea of ​​business people, but they do not quite understand the rapid increase of steel production and does not mean immediately transformed into a state-of-the-art machinery and equipment, while skilled workers lack increasingly become a problem restricting the development of the Chinese Mechanical Engineering.
Would like to take this opportunity, the joint proposal of Senator Ding Baozhen Shandong Province and Hunan Province Senator Liu Kun-yi, domestic vigorously set up civilian education, in order to quickly improve the quality of training workers enough to support industrial development. This bill is good, can be the financial constraints of the federal government, in order to expand the welfare of domestic educational investment must reduce the number of students sent,Green Bay Packers Jerseys, which can touch the prime minister Yung Wing mildew head, and was immediately met with lawmakers Chun Yung Wing the opposition.
You know, a strong supporter of the Ding Baozhen, and Liu Kunyi are Zhang Zhidong, in addition to Anhui Province, Mr Sun Jia Nai. They are to support education funds remain in the country policy that Yung Wing to throw into confusion the silver shining white (

Saturday, October 27, 2012

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Little Blue can not leave the sea, impossible with the sun out of here, she can not directly communicate with the sun, but she by Lver know that the sun intentioned, her intimacy before the sun off the assembly line with a large head and body in the sun rubbing, in order to express their gratitude to sunlight.
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After the sun off the assembly line through the laptop is turned on the official website of the FY want to see what's new inside, their own these days has been shut down communications and mailbox, almost cut off from the outside world, there is no big deal to do so before, but now God and the Devil appearances, all things are possible evolution out of hand.
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Saturday, October 20, 2012

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Monday, October 15, 2012

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Friday, October 12, 2012

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ly insinuations: eyes.
the mlb on wearing a pair of underwear standing before the huge glass windows, looking out the window gray days and high downstairs crowded streets, then stretched
?A lazy waist.
Today the weather is really not suitable for training, of Sabato quite prescient. Actually very suited to miss something.
Although Sabato announced this morning free, we can go out shopping, but a lot of people see this kind of weather or dispel the idea of ??travel, stay in hotels inside an honest entertain themselves.
Therefore, in such a case, also two travel is particularly striking.
When the mlb and Crewe saw those reporters waiting at the door in the lobby inside, they realized that if so go out, then this morning they also do not want to do became.
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He did not expect to Crewe's parents are also buried there.
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Highgate Cemetery in North London, ther