Sunday, July 8, 2012

nike air jordan 3 retro but decided to dying counterattack For Jing Ke fight to the death in broken

Jian Qi, such as rainbow, runs through the sky!
Too, A sword of already became a plainer white huge beam of light parallel to the ground hit.
The power of the blow, it seems that led to heaven and earth sensing, the rumbling of thunder even in the large hall sounded, such as silver snake-like electro-optic does not shine in the light beam four weeks, the power is huge, is evident.
Scarlet waves overwhelming toward the plainer light beam swept splashed plainer light beam dissipated, but the main non-destructive, the other hand, Qin Wuyang pale, stature crumbling.
Plainer light beam speed, steep, broken go to the numerous waves of blood,football jerseys, Zhao Xiang Qin Wuyang.
Qin Wuyang no longer dodge, actually threw the magic hemophagocytic Shadowbane, meat, palm to meet the enemy.
Aware of flying 13 of the sword, but the highest swordsmanship, the martial art of the field, almost no resistance to the hand, the thirteenth sword if combined sword from the through Wonderland sector, Sword flight, and wander freely between heaven and earth.
Qin Wuyang knew doomed to failure, but decided to dying counterattack For Jing Ke fight to the death in broken.
Seemingly plain palm strike out, even glow the Yingying green light, the light of changing flow of air and cemented a strange illusion.
Nine long-leaf folder of a bud, swaying in the breeze.
Nine Ye Lingzhi! Jing Ke looking to change the change, apparently unable to believe that the Qin Wuyang even of the true force of his body nine Ye Lingzhi completely released out and headed toward their own.
Flying thirteen sword can break go to the world a variety of martial arts, but can not break to go between heaven and earth aura different force.
The nine Ye Lingzhi is the supernatural force, Jing Ke helpless, had to change moves, trying to fly in thirteen sword 'Shou-style', try to resist the divine power of the nine Ye Lingzhi.
Plainer white huge beam of light toward almost to resist the power of Qin Wuyang in accordance with the original potential, but too A sword entities already flew back to the hands of Jing Ke.
Jing Ke looking Maguo a trace of dark red, then dance the sword, the sword to go with the people, people with the sword meaning person sword rapid rotation, the people turn faster, the sooner the sword dance, instant Jing Ke stature has been too A sword integrated to each other, where the place seems to have become a mass of high-speed rotation of an energy vortex.
The green light emitted by the air nine Ye Lingzhi Sheng is also growing, green dim dim,nike air jordan 3 retro, everything is not real.
Green leaves nine rows of the finished shape, tell the strange, the middle of the bud child is a dazzling golden light, but did not give a beauty to enjoy.
Strange green leaves began to change, gradually changes into a dagger looks like the top of the dagger green leaves suddenly into the entity towards Jing Ke of energy whirlpool Jichong the away.
Dagger green leaves just one access to the already into one of light and shadow Jing Ke, they change direction, the rotation of the force being told unloaded to one side, without success, return to the arrangement of the product word.
The same time, other green leafy dagger assault, knife and even a knife, such a cycle, not to

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