Saturday, August 18, 2012

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Also a floor properly sand right shoulder blade stuck the sword of the Qin, rickety stand, but although seriously wounded, but lives saved.
Bear will floor properly sand in a fanatical audience whoop waved stumbled end, carried off Qin outlet than into the air, see oakleys said only a oakleys, they just still in the ecstasy of victory, and now has been great and much sadness washed without a trace. Youth Class Gladiator did not cry, over the years Qin Like father, like education and care for them, can also escape not that the truth heard countless times: Today, the statues of this unbeaten collapsed, young hearts only endless grief and can not be suppressed revenge and killing the idea.
In the afternoon, all juvenile classes Gladiator came to the hut in the wake of the Qin, oakleys you remember the last words of Qin, with slightly trembling hands opened the birthday gift - Qin's letterhead:
When you open this letter, I have gone to the Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss, our Far East, people believe in this. Need not be too sad, I have been waiting for for many years when you practice the stitch, 80% of my body's internal force stay in your body, combined with your internal force you not to blame, to do so will only increase your shoulder heavy responsibility, and I escape responsibility, has been freed.
You've always wanted to know I Wrestling College before the experience, I have been guilty not tell you because it hides me a great deal of grief and shame. I am instructed by the year grows on to send the Tragic Princess to the west of the MORI country to marry, I had it is with great sadness the road, on the road it ran the greater shame. protect marriage Team Morrison's old enemy,boston celtics caps, Hulan ambush, I lost the Hulan General Ke library in terms of tactics or martial arts beat me. I discredited returned, only to make amends, to find ways to beat Ke Curry can, rescued the princess.
I racked the mind to grab a ancient artifact Wulong Gun, If you fathom the mystery, and may be able to beat Ke Curry can, until the death has not been successful.
Get Wulong Gun Hulan voluntary bondage as slaves, waiting for the opportunity to rescue the princess. Can wait a year the result was a princess voluntarily married Ke Curry can, so I followed Anxiu came here, I hope calmly study and understanding of the mysteries of the Wulong Gun, or free in the gladiator arena.
oakleys, I entrust you with two things: the return of a book in my box Tragic Princess; out of here with Wulong Gun not fathom its mysteries, do not go to Ke Curry is very contradictory is not it, no matter can not be completed I will not blame you.
oakleys,tampa bay rays caps, your internal organs have been very deep, in time, will be able to have some as I know you were born to misfortune, but revenge to be patient, more importantly, keep the mind awake, do not be fascinated by the hatred in his eyes , and you are still young, after all, revenge is not life all.
If you encounter any trouble, then Hei Yancheng central corridor with the sinking ruby ​​ring box to find a called Anduolier wise man, he might have.
Do not involved in Anxiu

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