Tuesday, June 19, 2012

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nba forced breath, and then calmed down on Xia Yu said.
This child, obviously usually so weak, introverted, but why so stubborn on a strange question. The lady how may like the kind of laughing and joking all day, facing the beautiful shining eyes guy. But also arbitrary, and many women are warm-mei. like this man, the lady was not going to like him!
While this thought, but the nba said.
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Se Leisi seems to go out, no way ......... I pick up the phone. Summer plumage, please go to study to help me get a tarot card to the second floor in a bookcase, a red wooden box is. the nba got up into the living room, picked up the phone. Summer plumage and listen to the nba came to the library, looking for divination cards.
At this point, all of a sudden summer plumage behind, came a Qing Xiang, she tracks the sound looked I saw a drawer of the desk, do not know why and opens it.
Xia Yu said, went to the desk, trying to close the drawer, but at this time, her eyes stopped at the The cold goggles in the eyes of the summer plumage, as if to produce a strong attraction to her as to be some kind things to control the hand to come up with ...
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nba hurried to the next to the summer plumage, and whisper with summer plumage but no response. no way the nba had first reached for the summer plumage and firmly in the hands of to the moment of the

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